• Question: Why do you like to work with babys and not older people

    Asked by swaeley to Maheen on 17 Jun 2016. This question was also asked by 667eadf26, HR300, Ariola :).
    • Photo: Maheen Siddiqui

      Maheen Siddiqui answered on 17 Jun 2016:

      Well firstly I think study brain development is really interesting!

      An adult or older person already has a fully developed brain that won’t change that much. But a baby has a brain that is constantly changing every single day.

      I think its quite interesting to study the baby brain because you can look at how diseases or disorders develop and then you can try to prevent them. At an adult stage, however, its much more difficult. With that being said, its not any easier to study a baby’s brain, I just find it interesting personally!
