• Question: Why do I feel dizzy when I spin

    Asked by Miss Science to Deborah, Euan, Maheen, Rob, Stu on 13 Jun 2016.
    • Photo: Maheen Siddiqui

      Maheen Siddiqui answered on 13 Jun 2016:

      Quite surprisingly, ears play the important role of helping us maintain our balance.

      In the inner part of the ear has open spaces filled with fluid. The walls inside the spaces are covered by small hairs called inner hair cells or “stereocilia”, these are connected to cells that carry signals or messages to the brain. When our head moves, the fluid also moves around and bends the hairs and as each hair bends, it sends a signal to the brain to let the brain know about this movement!

      When you spin around, the fluid in your ear starts spinning as well, which is what gives you the spinning feeling. And when you stop the fluid still keeps moving and keeps sending signals to the brain (through the hair cells) and so you may feel like you are spinning backwards or feeling dizzy!

    • Photo: Deborah Prunty

      Deborah Prunty answered on 13 Jun 2016:

      Inside your ear is a little bit of liquid that acts as a spirit level. It’s what keeps us balanced. When we spin the liquid gets all shuggled up and we loose our sense of what is flat and level. This confuses our brains and makes us feel dizzy.
