• Question: Who was your idol

    Asked by Lewis Stewart to Deborah, Euan, Maheen, Rob, Stu on 14 Jun 2016. This question was also asked by Mahaiden.
    • Photo: Rob Stanley

      Rob Stanley answered on 14 Jun 2016:

      I’ve always found it quite difficult to explain things clearly (which is why I’m taking part in “I’m a Scientist…”, to get better at it), so my idols are people who are able to explain complicated things very simply, particularly Richard Feynman.

    • Photo: Euan Allen

      Euan Allen answered on 14 Jun 2016:

      I have to agree with Rob and say that the physicist Richard Feynman is my idol. Not only did he make some incredible contributions to the fields of particle and quantum physics, but he also was amazing at explaining very difficult ideas in the most simple of ways.

      I recommend looking him up on youtube to see what he was like. He also was pretty funny and seemed like a very nice guy.

    • Photo: Deborah Prunty

      Deborah Prunty answered on 14 Jun 2016:

      I’m not sure that I have anyone that I’d describe as my idol… Science wise there are so many inspirational people, it’s hard to pick just one. Marie Currie was an extraordinary people who devoted her life to her work and didn’t let anything get in her way.

    • Photo: Maheen Siddiqui

      Maheen Siddiqui answered on 15 Jun 2016:

      I didn’t really have an idol as such. It sounds kind of cheesy but I always really looked up to my mum and when I was younger I wanted to be just like her when I grew up, both in terms of career and outside of career as well.

      Now I really admire women scientists around me, such as my supervisors, who are extremely smart, work very hard and are able to balance that with a family life. To me, its very inspiring because its what I hope to achieve one day as well!
