• Question: what is the most interesting thing you have found out about babies brains

    Asked by Amelia to Maheen on 14 Jun 2016.
    • Photo: Maheen Siddiqui

      Maheen Siddiqui answered on 14 Jun 2016:

      The most interesting thing I have found out is the fact that babies as young as 3-4 months age are able to tell the difference between a face and a picture of a car or a helicopter, we can see different brain responses when we show them both of these things. They get really excited to see the faces! Whats more interesting that recently we found out that those babies that will later on develop a disorder called autism (where you have problems communicating with others and getting your thoughts across) have the same response to faces and helicopters! They don’t differentiate between the two. This is really interesting because we already know that people with autism have problems with communication and social interaction!
