• Question: Do you believe that the merging of organic material and technology at a nano scale is the future of scientific development

    Asked by Ridingbeesintothesunset to Deborah, Euan, Maheen, Rob, Stu on 20 Jun 2016.
    • Photo: Euan Allen

      Euan Allen answered on 20 Jun 2016:

      I don’t know much about the area, but there are people within the building where I work that are researching on ways to use nano-technology to make medicine more effective.

      The nano-technology locates where the drug is best deposited to make it most effective, meaning we end up recovering quicker. This is a step towards a merging of nano-technology and organic material, but I’m sure there are more.

    • Photo: Deborah Prunty

      Deborah Prunty answered on 21 Jun 2016:

      It is certainly a potential future, and is an area that is being researched. It’ll make such an incredible difference in the fields of prosthetics. It also raises some interesting ethical questions. Just because we can, does that mean that we should?
