• Question: can we live forever?

    Asked by Miss_Scientist to Rob, Euan on 20 Jun 2016.
    • Photo: Euan Allen

      Euan Allen answered on 20 Jun 2016:

      There’s nothing at the moment that makes us live forever, but in principal there is nothing to stop it (at least as far as I know). There is a kind of jelly fish called ‘Turritopsis dohrnii’, which we believe to be immortal and to live forever. I don’t know how they can do this, but we at least know it’s possible.

      There is also the possibility that we could somehow live on forever inside a robot or something. But we really don’t know if this is even possible.

    • Photo: Rob Stanley

      Rob Stanley answered on 21 Jun 2016:

      Perhaps we can cure all diseases at some point, but I think people will probably still die due to accidents. (Unless @euan’s robot body thing happen.)
